
The Running of the Bull (Market)

As we’re writing this post, it’s March 9th. Do you remember what happened 10 years ago on this date? We remember it well. The stock market hit a new low in the midst of the “Great Recession.” The Dow Jones Industrial Average (i.e. the Dow) – which had...

The Weather and the Stock Market

If you woke up in the Portland metro area this morning, your thoughts probably ran to what was happening outside. Did it snow? If so, how much? Is there ice? Will it be safe to get around? If it’s dangerous, how long will it last? Will my plans for the day be turned...

The Administration Roils the Stock Market

Economists tell us that there are a few things that can derail a strong economy. The government can raise taxes. The central bank (i.e. Federal Reserve) can raise interest rates. Prices can jump (i.e. inflation). War can break out. The U.S. economy has been performing...