
A Bear Lurks Ahead

If you have ever gone hiking or backpacking in a remote wilderness, the thought probably wasn’t far from your mind. An encounter with one might be exciting, but possibly dangerous or even deadly. A bear. The US stock market reached another major milestone on Friday,...

C.R.A.D.L.E. your investments

Since second quarter performance results were made available last week, we’ve received a few inquiries from clients asking about investment returns. Some have been surprised at the returns since the beginning of the year. These inquiries provide an opportunity to...

Floating Rate Bonds and Rising Interest Rates

A few weeks ago, we discussed interest rates, the 10-Year Treasury Notes and short-term bonds. We briefly mentioned floating rate bonds, a subject to which we return today. To review, in a rising interest rate environment, bonds will lose value. Why? Investors want...

Be Careful with Your Company’s Stock

Imagine that someone has worked for forty years for a company, and is retiring with a pension and shares of stock in that company. If you are among the majority of Americans who do not have a company pension, you might find this scenario rather appealing. But, if that...