by Springwater Wealth | Apr 2, 2019 | Newsletter
The first quarter of 2019 has ended and investors are breathing easier. After a bruising fourth quarter 2018 in which investors experienced double digit losses in the stock portions of their portfolios (the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 11.3%, the S&P 500...
by Springwater Wealth | Mar 12, 2019 | Newsletter
As we’re writing this post, it’s March 9th. Do you remember what happened 10 years ago on this date? We remember it well. The stock market hit a new low in the midst of the “Great Recession.” The Dow Jones Industrial Average (i.e. the Dow) – which had...
by Springwater Wealth | Dec 18, 2018 | Newsletter
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your flight crew speaking. As you’ve noticed, we have encountered some turbulence. We would ask, if you are not seated, that you kindly return to your seat. Please fasten your seatbelt and remain seated until we have turned...
by Springwater Wealth | Nov 20, 2018 | Newsletter
In a previous post, we highlighted the fact that the 2017 tax law may affect the ability of some taxpayers to receive a tax deduction for their charitable donations, because the law (a) eliminated or reduced many deductions previously available, and (b) significantly...
by Springwater Wealth | Sep 25, 2018 | Newsletter
Could it be that applying for financial aid for college will finally get a bit easier? The federal Education Department recently announced that the notoriously complicated federal financial aid form known as FAFSA will shortly be available in a user-friendly mobile...