College Planning
Do you have a college-bound child? Are you concerned about whether you can afford their first-choice school?
Do you know what you’ll be expected to pay? What about accessing scholarships, loans and grants?
At Springwater Wealth, we can help you answer these questions, and give you the peace of mind to know you and your student have made the right choice.
Get the information you need in a free, no-obligation, personalized college funding report. You’ll learn how you can save on the cost of college, as well as saving for it!
Your free report includes:
- Helpful information about the different types of financial aid available
- How to calculate your “Expected Family Contribution”, or EFC
- A recommended strategy for meeting your EFC
- Detailed 1- and 4-year costs for three schools of your choice
- Information for an additional three nearby schools that offer the most need- and/or merit-based aid
Over the past couple of decades, the cost of attending college has risen dramatically, at a rate much higher than the overall rate of inflation.
At the same time, many states have been forced by budgetary constraints to reduce funding for their public universities, effectively increasing the share of cost of attendance paid by students and their families.
As a result, affordability (cost as a percentage of household income) has decreased.
But, there are ways to lower your cost of attendance.
Most of us are familiar with so-called 529 plans, which are tax-advantaged savings accounts intended to help save for college.
But what if you’re not sure if you’ve saved enough, or if you’re on track to do so? Are there other ways to save for college?
Does it make sense to take out loans, and if so, should you or your student be the borrower? Does it matter?
What about merit aid and athletic scholarships – how common are they?
Springwater can help you answer all these questions, and fit the cost of college into your overall financial and retirement plan.
So you’ve received your free report, but you still have questions.
Where can you get your questions answered, with the honest, objective advice you need?
Springwater’s advisors have been helping parents plan for college for over twenty years. Our clients have sent their students to the top Ivy League colleges, and to universities of all sizes across the country.
We’re Because college affordability Something something special package created for just this need.
Here’s how it works:
- First, in a 60-minute consultation, we’ll help you understand the results of your free report, answer any questions you may have, and confirm the accuracy of your Expected Family Contribution.
- Next, we’ll guide you through our user-friendly college planning software program, so you can add an unlimited number of additional schools to your analysis. You’ll be able to make apples-to-apples comparisons of different school options across the country, and easily search for the best-fit schools for your student.
- Finally, in a second 60-minute consultation, we’ll help you compare and contrast your preferred options, and discuss strategies for making your top choice(s) affordable, as well as how you can integrate paying for college into your overall financial plan. This may include reviewing ways to lower your Expected Family Contribution, assessing cost-effective borrowing options, recommendations for appropriate ways to pay your share of the costs, and strategies to protect your savings and retirement accounts from the financial aid formulas.
Report: A free, no-obligation report with detailed costs for three schools of your choice, and information for an additional three nearby schools that may offer the most need- and/or merit-based aid
Advice: Two 60-minute consultations with a Springwater advisor
Analysis: Access to our college planning software so that you can add unlimited additional schools to your analysis
Access: Unlimited access to the software until August of your student’s senior year of high school
Price: $1,500, paid $500 after your initial consultation and $1,000 after your second consultation
Should you become a Springwater wealth management client, your college planning fee will be offset against your wealth management advisory fees.
Our Portland office is conveniently located off the SW Denney Road exit from Highway 217.
6600 SW 105th Avenue, Suite 155
Beaverton, OR 97008
Our Bay Area office is located in downtown Santa Cruz.
133 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you build a solid plan for your future, let us know by filling out our contact form. Or give us a call at (888) 998-4796.
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